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Important Numbers and Addresses
Handbook Pg. 166-167The emergency number in Vancouver is 911.
The operators will ask if you want police, fire, or ambulance. They will ask you what is wrong and where you are, and they will send help. You can also ask to talk to someone in your own language, but you may have to wait. It is faster if you can explain simply and quickly in English where you are and what has happened.Emergency Police, Fire and Ambulance: 911
St. Paul's Hospital
1091 Burrard Street 604-682-2344Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre (VGH)
855 West 12th; Emergency: Laurel and Tenth 604-875-4995Buses
Vancouver Bus, SkyTrain, and SeaBus Information
TransLink: 604-953-3333 (Say where you are and where you want to go.)
or try the net: http://www.translink.ca/West Vancouver Transit "Blue Bus" Information
604-985-7777 or http://www.translink.ca/Pacific Central Station (inter-city buses and train station)
1150 Station Street near the Main Street SkyTrain station.Greyhound Canada
1-800-661-8747 (Long Distance Bus Trips to Banff, Calgary, and Seattle)Pacific Coach Lines
604-662-8074 (Victoria)Airport
Sea Island, Richmond
Flight Information: Call the individual airline companies.
SkyTrain Canada Line to Airport
TransLink 604-953-3333 or http://www.translink.ca/B.C. Ferries
Toll-Free in B.C. 1-888-223-3779 (1-888-BCFERRY) or http://www.bcferries.bc.ca/
Trains (Railroads)
All trains leave from the Pacific Central Station at 1150 Station Street near the Main Street SkyTrain station.
Rocky Mountaineer 604-606-7245 for sightseeing train to Banff and Calgary
from the end of April to the first week in October.
http://www.rockymountaineer.com/Via Rail
1-888-842-7245 for year-round trains to Jasper in the Rocky Mountains, and on to Edmonton and Toronto. You can transfer to other trains that go as far east as Gaspe, Quebec and Halifax, Nova Scotia, and as far north as Churchill, Manitoba.
http://www.viarail.ca/en#Amtrak Cascades
1-800-872-7245 for trains going south to the US cities of Seattle, Portland,
and points in between and points beyond.
Black Top Cabs 604-731-1111
Vancouver Taxi 604-871-1111
Yellow Cab 604-681-1111
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Visas)
1-888-242-2100, 1148 Hornby Street
U.S. Consulate
604-685-4311, 1095 West Pender
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